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Green Smoothie

Welcome to Your Family Nutritionist - where I can help you to chose the right food that will promote the health of your family from the next meal.  

Let's have a FREE chat today to start your journey towards a happier, healthier you!

About me


Hello, I'm Daria, your Family Nutritionist who you can go to feel healthier, more energised and happier.


I specialise in paediatric & women health as I adore kids and want them to grow as happy & healthy adults. Lots of people believe that babies and toddlers will grow out of their illness (eczema, adenoids, chronic tonislitis, etc) in their adulthood. Instead, some health conditions become chronic and require constant medication use without addressing the root cause of the issue.


I believe that pregnancy & childhood are crucial periods of life to lay solid foundations of a person's health and it is important to get it right .


My mission is to offer nutritional support, carefully considering one's unique genetic build up, personal medical history, habbits, dietary preferences and lifestyle. 


I firmly believe that there's no such thing as inherently "good" or "bad" food. Instead, some foods harmonize beautifully with your body, providing essential energy, while others may be less compatible, hindering your overall well-being.


I'm here to help you make informed choices and cultivate sustainable, long-lasting habits for well-being of your loved ones.

Worker with Ladder

Women & Kid Health Clinic


  • Eczema / Atopic dermatitis

  • Dry skin

  • Seborrhea

  • Cradle cap

  • Cracked skin on hands, feet, lips, under earlobe

  • Scaly, yellowish, dry patches behind ears

  • Itchy skin

  • Urticaria

Pregnant Woman on Couch

Prenatal & Postnatal 

  • Optimal nutrition for fertility

  • Healthy pregnancy

  • Postpartum depression

  • Nausea & Vomiting

  • Constipation

  • Hemorrhoids




  • Reflux

  • Excessive gas

  • Bloating

  • Diarrhoea

  • Constipation

  • Nutrient defficiencies

  • Food Allergies & Intolerances

  • Frequent colds

  • Recurrent infections

  • Ear infections

  • Runny nose

  • Tonsilitis

  • Adenoid enlargement

Image by National Cancer Institute


  • Low energy levels

  • Fatigue

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Sleep disorders

  • Sugar craving

  • Slow body weight gain

  • Excess body weight

  • Autoimmune disorders

Oral Health

  • Tongue coating

  • Thrush

  • Geographic tongue

  • Halitosis / Bad breath

  • Teeth enamel discolouration

  • Tooth decay

  • Gum disease

  • Stomatitis

Support Options

Citrus Fruits


Welcome Chat

During FREE 30 min call we will briefly discuss your health concerns and I will suggest the nutritional strategy for you to feel better that you can implement straight away.



Consultation + Meal Plan

1.5H video call to discuss your medical history, medications, food diary and lifestyle.


After consultation, a Personalised Nutrition Plan with Recipes will be provided within a week + 1 Month Support 


3 Months Support

In-depth asessment of your health concern + Always ON support during 3 Months with bespoke Nutrition Plan, Recipes and Supplements. If any chances occur during the support period the plan is amended accordingly 

Get in Touch

20 Scott Avenue, London, SW15 3PB

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